Our team
The research team for the REASON project consists of an interdisciplinary team of scientists from different disciplines to investigate the multi-layered aspects of climate change and its communication.
The interdisciplinary team, consisting of experts in systems science, linguistics, social sciences, psychology, neuroscience, transition science and computer science, enables a holistic view of the topic.
The REASON research project is divided into five specialized work packages (WP), each of which covers a different research focus and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. Each team member in the REASON project is assigned to one or more of these workpackages, depending on their specific expertise and research tasks.
Here is an overview of the individual work packages:
- WP1: Project Management
- WP2: Empirical social research, environmental psychology, media impact studies, environmental research
- WP3: Psychophysiology, social psychology, environmental psychology, media impact studies
- WP4: Data Science / Data Mining, Applied Linguistics, Communication Science, Natural Language Processing, Computational Social Sciences
- WP5: Environmental and social sciences, science communication, climate communication, sustainability sciences
Project team of the University of Graz
Institute of Environmental Systems Science
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Alfred Posch
BSc MSc. PhD Annina Thaller
Mag. Dott. Herald Cela
BSc MSc Stefan Ringhofer
BSc MSc Raven Adam
Project team of the Rheinland-Pfälzische University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau
Dr. Laura Loy
Master theses
BSc Anna Dietl
Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften
Mo & Mi. 9.00-12.00; Di & Do 9.00-12.00, 13.00-15.00